January 7, 2024

The first, foremost, and final source of all New Afrikan law and power is the New
Afrikan people, and the people have spoken! On December 29-31, 2023, the Citizens of the
PGRNA convened in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, in order to right the wrongs of our
previous administration. During the 3-day convention, workshops were held on plebiscites,
reparations, and a plethora of educational and informational programs for “The fruition of black
power and the fruition of black nationhood…”.

However, the primary reason for such an overwhelming turnout of New Afrikan Citizens took
place on December 31,2023—where the demand for crimes against the Code of Umoja, the New
Afrikan Creed, International Law, human rights violations, voter suppression and overall
crimes against the New Afrikan Nation and its people were held and answered for—with
unwavering dedication to truth and justice and the words of the New Afrikan creed;

“We must stand ready to defend Ourselves, establishing the nation beyond contradiction,”
firmly engraved in our hearts, the crimes of, but not excluded to treason, voter suppression,
human rights violations, fraud, international law violations, the suspension of the
constitution, a militarized coup d'état by then president’s administration under the Ministry of
Defense, voter fraud, threats of death to New Afrikan people and the disbanding of the
Military (Black Legion) (unlawfully replacing it with the Ministry of Defense), were redressed,
remediated and rectified. The people voted, and lawfully chose their will.

The will of the People was triumphant, and by the people and for the people, an Interim
Government was put in place, displacing the fraudulent and coup d'état administration, with
special elections to be held in March of 2024. Reclaiming corrective measures, we look forward
to rebuilding and reclaiming the Glory of Our Great Nation!

Free the Land!

Interim President: Krystal Muhammad
Interim Vice-President: Dr Alli Muhammad MD
Interim Vice-President: Yanga Nkrumah


Interim Minister of  Interior: Wes Johnson

Interim Minister of Foreign  Affairs : Siphiwe Baleka

Interim Minister of Information : Britain-Michel

Interim Minister of Economics : Eugene Talford

Interim Minister of Culture : Leo Browne

Interim Minister of Youth : Clyde Davis


Interim Peoples Centered Council District Representatives: 

Krystal Muhammad – Houston, TX

Jiminsky Evan – Houston, TX

Dr. Alli Muhammad – Orlando, FL

Yanga Nkrumah – Columbus, GA

Queen X- Dayton, OH

Sister Antoinette X – Dayton, OH

Sherry Suttles – Charleston, SC

Ty Collins - Charleston, SC

Bro Nathan – Fort Worth, TX

Bro Bobby - Dallas, TX

Lady Freedom, Birmingham. AL

Michael Holmes – Atlanta, GA

Caemond Munda – New Orleans, LA

Britain-Michel - Baltimore, MD

Dr. Truth Bey, - Los Angeles, CA

Imam Akbar – Washington, DC


National Election Committee:

Jumoke Ifetayo

Timeko Royal

Che Sturdivant